What is Y-PORT HUB?
Y-PORT Hub is designed as a platform to initiate dialogue and open innovation for future smart cities in Asia and beyond. Yokohama is pursuing this endeavor through a program called Y-PORT (Yokohama Partnership of Resources and Technology). Accumulated city management knowledge and urban service solutions by the City of Yokohama are combined with cutting-edge technologies of private sector firms are provided. In Y-PORT Hub some examples of these solutions are provided in the area of “solid waste management”, “water, wastewater and sewage”, “energy saving & smart energy management”, “urban development”, “disaster risk reduction”. This is the hub to initiate dialogue with solution providers
The open innovative platform of YOKOHAMA

What you can do in Y-PORT Hub
Point 1) Initiate Dialogue with solution providers that would suit your needs
Firms participating in Y-PORT Hub have cutting edge technologies to achieve optimum urban solutions for your smart city development. They are ready to co-create to provide innovative “best available” solutions. You can easily reach out to these solution providers with one click. Prime Minister Mr. Suga lately proclaimed “2050 carbon neutral”- which is attracting attention from all around the world. The knowhow to realize the goal from Yokohama-related firms are all gathered here!
Point 2) Enhance your SDGs and ESG related actions and fulfill investment needs
Attaining SDGs and attract ESG focused investors are crucial to enhance company portfolio. If you are looking for solution providers to initiate or enhance your actions and achieve SDG goals, you can find appropriate partners in various sectors here in the Y-PORT Hub.
Point 3) Co-create new business opportunities
Y-PORT Hub supports the business matching opportunities among solutions seekers and providers that would co-create innovative urban solutions. You can find those with the Hub’s keyword search engine such as carbon neutral, ESG, and SDGs. Let’s strive to solve urban issues together hand in hand!