【Archive】The 10th Asia Smart City Conference (ASCC)

The 10th Asia Smart City Conference in October, 2021

Highlight Video

The 10th Asia Smart City Conference (Main event) Highlight

Official Report

The 10th Asia Smart City Conference Official Report(PDF)

※Please click on the photo or underlined section to download the file.


The landmark 10th Asia Smart City Conference was held from October 26 through 28. We sincerely thank all the speakers, guests, and viewers for joining us to explore and share an abundance of knowledge and expertise essential to sustainable cities and for helping to make the event a success.

Yokohama Declaration

The Yokohama Declaration was issued in response to the discussions at the plenary session. The Yokohama Declaration of the 10th Asia Smart City Conference can be downloaded here.

Event program

The 10th Asia Smart City Conference :  Event program

Main theme

Building smart cities aiming for carbon neutrality through city to city collaboration under the influence of COVID-19

Date and Time

October 26 (Tue) – 28(Thu), 2021

Conference style

Online style

Co-organizers (Alphabetical order)

Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC)

Supporters (Alphabetical order)

Cabinet Office, Government of Japan / Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan / Ministry of Finance, Japan / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan / Ministry of the Environment, Government, Japan / Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) / CITYNET / Smart City institute Japan (SCI-Japan) / Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) / Yokohama City University (YCU)


Main Conference Greetings and Keynote Speeches
Greetings and Keynote Speeches

Main Conference Introduction
International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama

Main Conference Session1
Student Proposals for Future Urban Development toward the Realization of the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda
Yokohama City University, CITYNET Yokohama Project Office

●Main Conference Session 2
How Connecting with Startups Will Advance Your Smart Cities and Sustainability?
City of Yokohama Overseas Offices (New York, Frankfurt, Mumbai)

Main Conference Session 3
Voluntary Local Review (VLR) of the SDGs: Accelerating transformation of cities
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Main Conference Session 4
Smart Cities in Japan, Europe and Asia – Realizing Co-creation Across Regions
Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-J)

Main Conference Session 5
Integrated Approaches for Low-Carbon and Resilient Cities
Asian Development Bank(ADB),Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Main Conference Session 6
New Urban Development from Yokohama
Yokohama Urban Solutions Alliance (YUSA)

Main Conference Session 7
City-to-City Collaboration for Zero Carbon Society
Climate Change Policy Headquarters and International Affairs Bureau – City of Yokohama

Main Conference Session 8
Low-Carbon Solutions in Designing Sustainable Cities
World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (WB TDLC)

Main Conference Closing Session
Closing Session ~Yokohama Declaration~

Urban Solution Webinar / Circular Economy Webinar / Virtual Exhibition in October, 2021

Urban solution Webinar by Yokohama companies

In the Urban Solution Webinar, the keynote speech was given by the city of Barcelona, a leader in smart cities in Europe. In addition, companies with technologies and solutions related to smart cities, carbon neutrality, and circular economy shared their knowledge and expertise on their strengths and prospects for overseas development.

Circular Economy Webinar

The waste management session at the 9th ASCC identified new challenges faced by the local governments in Asia in managing municipal waste during the COVID-19. These challenges included the rapid increase of the generation of personal protective equipment (PPE) waste due to the spread of COVID-19 infection, while adequate waste collection and treatment systems for infectious wastes have not been fully established. Also, the measures have taken under the strong leadership of the Mayor of Mandaue in the Philippines were introduced. In this session, we fellow up on the discussions at the last session and identified measures to be taken based on the progress in Mandaue City.

The 10th Asia Smart City Conference Virtual Exhibition

An exhibition hall was set up on the virtual platform, where companies and public institutions in the city related to Yokohama’s urban solutions exhibited. Various information exchanges and interactions took place.

Asia Smart City Conference Webinar in March, 2022

The 10th Asian Smart City Webinar was held on March 10, and shared a lot of knowledge and knowhow
on urban development projects in ASEAN cities for sustainable urban development. We thank you
very much for your participation.

Program Outline & Archive Viedos

※Details of the outline and information about speakers are available here.

Past ASCC Archives