Energy Saving

Green Buildings and Factories

Urban Solution Map of Yokohama based Technologies (Energy Management)

Urban Issues

Global warming is an issue that can only be solved through global action. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase rapidly in emerging economies cities due to rapid urbanization and the large scale construction of shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, and factories.

One-Stop Service for Green Buildings and Factories

These cities are in need of full on-site support in energy saving diagnosis and analysis, installation energy saving equipment and energy management systems, as well as monitoring and maintenance services.

ESCO( Energy Service Company ): Renovation of public buildings such as ward offices, hospitals and community centers (In FY2014, had worked on 26 buildings for 18 projects). Since 2017, it has also been undertaking the "Yokohama small/medium ESCO project“, aimed at small and medium-sized facilities, with simplified methods and procedures.
YSCP (Yokohama Smart City Project): The City of Yokohama has been collaborating with 34 energy-related companies to introduce energy supply and demand optimization systems in existing urban areas.
CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency):   Provides comprehensive building environmental impact assessments with the aim of promoting energy conservation and longer-lived buildings. Building over a certain size are required to advertise their CASBEE rating.

Concept for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects <One-stop solution for energy efficiency and conservation>

Urban Issues and Proposed Solutions

Energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) measures bring multiple benefits to cities, especially in emerging economies where energy demand is rapidly increasing. EE&C not only to reduces energy use and CO2 emissions, but also leads to lower energy costs and improved productivity and quality, thus benefiting the industry as a whole.

The City of Yokohama engages in international cooperation by packaging the highly energy efficient services and technologies of its private sector with its administrative expertise. Support is offered on all steps toward attaining EE&C (1. Monitoring energy consumption, 2. Improving operations towards efficient use of energy, 3. Introducing cutting-edge energy efficient technologies).

3 steps to achieve EE&C
2.Improving Operations
3.Investing in Cutting Edge Technologies


Energy Audits for Hotels in Da Nang City, Vietnam

OSUMI Co., Ltd. (based in Yokohama) conducted energy audits for hotels and factories in Da Nang City, in collaboration with the City of Yokohama and JICA. Osumi opened a representative office in Da Nang and provides one-stop services to customers from diagnosis to verification, including on-site energy audits, recommendations for various EE&C measures, as well as designing, engineering and monitoring the effectiveness of introduced measures.